Tag Archives: Pony Boot Camp

Till Chaptering Do Us Part

What do the film adaptions of the Harry Potter books, the Twilight books and the The Hunger Games books have in common? Yes, they are all film adaptions, smart-arse. But apart from that, their respective final part has been split up for cinema. Sure, later books in a series may tend to becoming longer and longer due to an expanding universe, and at least the first aspect (becoming longer) is the case with all three tales. Yet one cannot but consider a certain money grab-ish side within this practice. Continue reading

Review and Preview 2017/2018

So, it’s that time of the year again. 2017 is almost dead, but let’s flog it some more with a little review.

First of all – of course – Pony Boot Camp: It took quite some time and chapters, but the “no good deed goes unpunished” story arc is completed and has positioned the characters neatly for the next phase within the narration as a whole.

It seemed that Æquinoctium had also come to stay. Originally planned as a one-part story, even a third instalment won’t be enough to finish it now. Continue reading

What the Frog…?!

The more frequent readers may have noticed that no new part of Pony Boot Camp has been posted since December 2016. The main reason for this can be found in the fact that I’ve set myself a deadline for Æquinoctium, namely the 20th March. It goes without saying that this story a) is not finished yet, and b) becomes overall bigger and bigger the more I write on it. Currently I expect the finished version to be around 12,000 words long (a normal PBC chapter has between 2,000 and 3,000, the latest one about 4,000). Continue reading

Review and Preview 2016/2017

Hello everybody,

2017 is neigh, and with it 365 days to write some more smut. With my predictions in last year’s review having basically been hit or miss, I’m eager to give it another try.

But first, let us tick some boxes regarding the exciting stuff I have announced for 2016 twelve months ago: Continue reading

Review and Preview 2015/2016

Hi guys,

seems we have December again, the time for starting the winter (or summer, depending on where you live), forgetting to buy Christmas gifts, and doing some “the year in review” boredom. I, too, would like to participate in this heart-warming tradition. But since we shall look forwards and not backwards, upwards and not forwards, I decided to make it short. There are only just a few words I would like to say about the stuff I have written in 2015 anyway. Continue reading

Thoughts About: Pony Boot Camp — Part One to Twenty-Five

Having reached 25 parts and exceeded 50,000 words, it is time for Pony Boot Camp to receive a small inventory. It may provide orientation for constant readers and prevent potential new ones from being scared off by the number of chapters (minor spoilers ahead).

Coincidentally this is also my 50th post on this blog (which, obviously, isn’t a blog as such).
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Alterations for Pony Boot Camp (I)

Since “Pony Boot Camp” is a work in progress it may occur that certain details or passages are altered retrospectively, even if the containing parts are already published. To give the reader the option to track those changes and additions, I will henceforth list them separately.

Nonetheless chapters generally considered finished and valid when published here. No change or addition will contradict older versions. Continue reading