Monthly Archives: January 2018

A Few Words about my Stories

With my twentieth story out on WordPress, I reckon it to be time for a little self-advertisement commented list to help navigating through my humble body of work. I found it reasonable to start each entry with a passage from the respective story, followed by some deep thoughts of mine. I also added a small guide, characterising the story in question with up to five points in the categories fetish, violence and humour:

○    none
●    a wee bit
●●    some
●●●    moderate
●●●●    plenty
●●●●●    pervasive

Of course these are my personal ratings, and they are based more on quantity than on quality. Therefore the rating is sometimes accompanied by a trigger warning in the genre description (“caution!”), if the story contains problematic topics such as portrayal of racism, sexual violence or controversial use of religious images.

The sorting is alphabetical and recognises articles, which leads us straight to… Continue reading