Tag Archives: humour

Bad Tail Day

As promised in the last post, here’s the short story inspired by the correspondence between LapinDeFer and me. Enjoy!

Bad Tail Day

Leaning against the wall of the barn’s central aisle, Émilie performed the ancient signal strength dance with her mobile in hand. Arm higher – zero bars. Turn to the right – null. Stretching to the left – why was she even trying?

Vahrenfeld was the largest ponygirl stable in private ownership; four separate barn buildings around a central corral hub, surrounded by tracks, trails, meadows and 600 square kilometres of wooded glens. And apparently not a single radio mast. The handlers’ quarters and the administrative area had Wi-Fi hotspots to satellite connections, but of course nobody could have been bothered to hand the password down to her. In vain Émilie had tried out the cardinal points of the cross-like structure arrangement. Now standing at the southern gate of the southern barn again she was running out of options and time. Her broom was waiting. Sliding her phone into the thigh pocket of her stable-issued cargo trousers Émilie shuffled back to her menial morning routine. Continue reading

Sneak Peek: Æquinoctium — Chapter Four

With this long-overdue fourth instalment of my utter nonsense classic spy novel I have adjusted my stand on uploading chapters in parts. My general opinion remains (see Till Chaptering Do Us Part), but I will consider dividing chapters into more than one post if external factors ask for it and – far more important – if the narrative flow isn’t hampered. There will be no “write to fit”, meaning that the story won’t have any predetermined breaking points implemented. If you look at the re-uploaded third chapter – now as a single post –, you won’t be able to tell where the earlier cut had been made. Continue reading

Æquinoctium — Chapter Three (Part 2)



Paper Chase

(Part 2)

The sudden change of the operator’s tone and hectic noises in the background, soundtracked by unintelligible voices going back and forth, told her that she’d guessed correctly.

“Yes, can you― would you please wait a sec…?”

Another period of time went by, its duration slightly embarrassing for an organisation with a four letter acronym.

Then a second man addressed Denise, and with far more composure.

“Good morning, Ms Carlisle. My name is John Wollny. Please tell me how I may help you.”

“Who are you, exactly?”

“I support the dialogue between parties in situations like this.”

“Then please support my dialogue with the Housekeeper.” Continue reading

Alterations for Pony Boot Camp (V)

The fifth instalment of “How not to write a story”…



It was a bitter mockery that pony training was scheduled as our first activity.

is changed into:

It was a bitter mockery that pony training had been rescheduled to be our first activity. Continue reading

Dear Readers…

Dear readers,

it is with a heavy heart that I announce yesterday’s Part Thirty-Six to be the last chapter of Pony Boot Camp. This wasn’t an easy decision to make, but I came to understand that it was the right one. For some time now those in the know have been aware that ponygirls are an endangered species, and lately several large Internet platforms – including WordPress – have drawn the consequences from this sad fact. In accordance with a code of ethics enunciated by the animal rights organisation PETA (http://www.peta.org/coe/savethepony) all portrayals of abuse and mistreatment of ponygirls are to be removed from the participating sites. Of course I will follow this appeal, and furthermore will refrain from creating and providing any controversial material. I am sure you, the readers, will support this important mission.

Take care, and Power to the Ponies!