Monthly Archives: November 2013

Pony Boot Camp — Part Eight


It was surprisingly cool inside, and the smell of straw immediately intensified. The further we went into the barn, the stronger a second aroma became. Leather. It didn’t take long to discover its source. At the circular area’s far side a large shed had been erected as some sort of building within the building, big enough to hold all of us. For someone like me who had never taken an interest in horsemanship nor come in contact with equestrian equipment, the amount of leather and metal gear stored in this place was awe-inspiring. Racks and walls were occupied by meticulously arrayed belts, harnesses, bridles and stuff I could not even name. I would come to know this place as the Tack Room, and I would come to fear it. Continue reading

Sneak Peek: House of Cthulhu — Sixth Night

Since the long-awaited sixth part of “House of Cthulhu” is almost two months overdue, I decided to send a sign of life in form of a little sneak peek. The paragraph I have chosen gives some hints where things are heading without revealing any critical plot points. Enjoy! Continue reading

Pony Boot Camp — Part Seven

Negative Reinforcement

The second part of this sunny morning provided clarification of the cryptic point “activities”. We gathered in front of that barn-like structure, and with “gathered” I mean “fell in line” – so much we’d already learnt. The gate stood open, and a glance in the dim-lit interior confirmed the barn to be some kind of stable building. An aisle with stalls on each side opened up to a large area under a skylight. Yet I failed to discover any animals. No doggies, no horsies. The only life signs came from inside the corrals across the place, where several uniformed blokes were fiddling about on strange contraptions. Continue reading