Monthly Archives: December 2016

Review and Preview 2016/2017

Hello everybody,

2017 is neigh, and with it 365 days to write some more smut. With my predictions in last year’s review having basically been hit or miss, I’m eager to give it another try.

But first, let us tick some boxes regarding the exciting stuff I have announced for 2016 twelve months ago: Continue reading

Pony Boot Camp — Part Thirty-Five

The Hour of the Horse

The turmoil that ripped me out of my sleep was absolute. Yelling and shouting everywhere. Infernal noise. The barrack lights going on and out again, as fast as the neon tubes could cope. On and out. On and out. I hadn’t got the slightest idea of what was going on or how late or early it was. Men were storming in, kicking against the steel bed frames. They thundered stroke after stroke down on the startled occupants, literally whipping them out of their bunks. After another staccato the lamps stayed dark, but our nocturnal intruders keep switching their torches on and off, flashing in our faces, blinding us. From all directions came the eldritch crackling and white-blue arcs from spark sticks being set off in the air. Continue reading