Monthly Archives: March 2018

Æquinoctium — Chapter Three



Paper Chase

(Part 1)

Denise kept standing for a few moments after Gabriel’s car had turned into the main street. Finally she gave in to the undeniable truth that she had to play along in the voice-owner’s mean little scheme.


She slung the strap of her handbag over her shoulder and got into gear, stumbling occasionally on the poorly maintained back alley tarmac. The main street came closer and would lead her directly to the city centre, if Denise chose so. She did by turning right, as mandated. On smarting feet and with an empty stomach she followed the avenue, which was living up with traffic. Continue reading

The 100th Post

Actually, this is the 101st post I’ve created on this site. The 100th was The Writer, kind of fitting. Now, 100 posts in almost five years doesn’t sound much, but the overwhelming majority of them are short stories or story chapters, a fact which puts the numbers in perspective.

And I already know how to celebrate this milestone — with post no. 102, of course!

The Writer

The Writer

An hour’s drive towards the mountains there is a lake. A quiet, beautiful place, almost like a Norwegian fjord. I use to go there to write, ever since I started writing in earnest. They now print my picture on back covers, so I reckon I am an earnest writer at last. The hefty advance I’d been paid for my second novel seems to support that theory.

Three months after my debut has been published I go back to school, and if only for one night. Just to see who got fat, who got married, and who else got famous during the last ten years. Continue reading