Tag Archives: pony girl

10th Anniversary of Pony Boot Camp — “It was either this, or…”

Yep, 10 years sounds about right. Although for Seventeen it would feel more like 26 days. 7th November, to be precise, as I cunningly use a chart with dates, key events and so on to keep track of what’s going down at the DACC.

Right now everybody’s favourite ponygirl is still stuck in Part LX, not that this is a bad thing. Much effort I put into this, the so far latest chapter to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Pony Boot Camp. In passing it also cracked the 160,000 words barrier, which may serve as an answer as to why it took me a decade to get our anti-heroine to where she is now. My initial layout predicted about 20,000 words, and featured next to none of the intricate character relationships which now carry the narration (together with the occasional fetish overload, that is). Had I known what I was getting myself into, I would have probably opt out and done something else with my leisure time. Breeding ponies, for example. Continue reading

Sneak Peek: Pony Boot Camp — Part Thirty-Six

As a proof that our favourite ponygirl Seventeen is alive and well (in a relative sense) I brought you a little sneak peek of “Pony Boot Camp – Part Thirty-Six”. But as mentioned in my last post it will take a while for the whole chapter to be published. Continue reading

What the Frog…?!

The more frequent readers may have noticed that no new part of Pony Boot Camp has been posted since December 2016. The main reason for this can be found in the fact that I’ve set myself a deadline for Æquinoctium, namely the 20th March. It goes without saying that this story a) is not finished yet, and b) becomes overall bigger and bigger the more I write on it. Currently I expect the finished version to be around 12,000 words long (a normal PBC chapter has between 2,000 and 3,000, the latest one about 4,000). Continue reading

Alterations for Pony Boot Camp (II)

Since Venom, the lazy sod, still hasn’t finished the next part of Pony Boot Camp, here are some minor corrections and changes of the narration so far. As before, the storyline itself is not affected.


Part III:

Inside, it offered a single big room; bunk beds, chests, showers in a separated area at the far end. Full Metal Jacket, anyone?

has a line added:

Inside, it offered a single big room; bunk beds, chests, showers in a separated area at the far end. One table with chairs. Full Metal Jacket, anyone? Continue reading

Pony Boot Camp — Part Thirty


I didn’t sleep well. My sexy new piercings made my flesh throb constantly, and the blanket hurt whenever it rubbed across them. Half the night I lay awake, listening to the tossing and groaning from the other bunks. The morning wasn’t noticeably better, giving the crying fit I had upon seeing my septum-ringed face in the mirror. It didn’t instil much hope for the rest of the day, especially with pony training lurking at 09:30.

“Ah, there you are,” Kendrick greeted me as though we had arranged to meet for lunch. He pulled me out of my group as soon as I had taken my clothes off in the tack room. Then the lead handler also grabbed Ten and Fifteen for good measure. Continue reading

Pony Boot Camp — Part Twenty-Six

Terra Incognita

Under my hooves the ground changed towards a more bouncy, less cushioning nature. My perfectly executed high steps caused hollow sounds, and the wheels of the sulky began to rattle in a distinct frequency. That, and the intensified noise of flowing water told me I was crossing the old wooden bridge. It was the first time Miss Cuntling had made me take this route instead of the trail that led upstream towards the Deepfall. I’d love to describe the scenery as I trotted deeper into the woods, but Kandrin had opted for the full blinkers. No distractions from the rein commands. And since this measure alone wasn’t sufficient to solve my alleged attention span problem, Miss C. had done what she liked to do best: She’d fitted me with a new bit. Continue reading

Thoughts About: Pony Boot Camp — Part One to Twenty-Five

Having reached 25 parts and exceeded 50,000 words, it is time for Pony Boot Camp to receive a small inventory. It may provide orientation for constant readers and prevent potential new ones from being scared off by the number of chapters (minor spoilers ahead).

Coincidentally this is also my 50th post on this blog (which, obviously, isn’t a blog as such).
Continue reading

Pony Boot Camp — Part Twenty-Three

Jinba Ittai

First thing after the big morning fall-in was corral training. For reasons nobody had bothered revealing to us we were to be fitted with full tack right from the start – which paved the way for another gratuitous dressing scene. As Kendrick pulled my crotch strap tight, I went on the tips of my toes – or, given that I was already standing en pointe, on the tips of my hooves. From another corner of the tack room our resident pervert glanced over whilst continuing the tedious task of lacing up Eleven’s monoglove. Creepy Chap might hold strange beliefs when it came to romantic interactions, but he knew a randy pony if he saw one. Continue reading

Sneak Peek: Pony Boot Camp — Part Twenty-Three

Since chapter twenty-three won’t be finished before mid-June, I once again decided to use the dirty little trick of posting a sneak peek – only to find johnny’s comment (dated 9th of June under “Part Twenty-Two”). The gist of his polite and honest words is that the posting of new chapters is too infrequent to follow the story without rereading older parts. Continue reading

Pony Boot Camp — Part Twenty-Two

Vanilla Dreams

Sleep did not come easily for me. Staring into the dark room I tried to blank my mind, but only opened it to the day’s grisly events. I tried to occupy it with pleasant thoughts; funny moments with my flatmate, my favourite music, the smell of a new car. Ere I knew it my silly subconscious had made sinister associations with the Maserati I’d borrowed and the odour of freshly worn leather tack. Eighty-six more days of this, and I would be in need of some serious therapy – if I would be able to lie on a couch, that was. Continue reading