Tag Archives: word count

Review and Preview 2023/2024

Dear Readers of weird stuff on the internet,

I hope that this, my latest Review and Preview, finds you well. If I wanted to sum up 2023, this would be the result: 26066

That is the combined word count of all literary texts I have published on this site this year, distributed as follows:

  • One part of Ponygirl Vet: 1,319
  • Four doses of Pony Boot Camp, including Part LX for the story’s 10th anniversary: 14,456
  • Two chapters of Skeleton Crew: 10,291

That number makes for a decent novella, but I wished it would have been spread more evenly. Keen eyes may spot that there is no new chapter of Æquinoctium, nor a concluded short story. Continue reading

10th Anniversary of Pony Boot Camp — “It was either this, or…”

Yep, 10 years sounds about right. Although for Seventeen it would feel more like 26 days. 7th November, to be precise, as I cunningly use a chart with dates, key events and so on to keep track of what’s going down at the DACC.

Right now everybody’s favourite ponygirl is still stuck in Part LX, not that this is a bad thing. Much effort I put into this, the so far latest chapter to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Pony Boot Camp. In passing it also cracked the 160,000 words barrier, which may serve as an answer as to why it took me a decade to get our anti-heroine to where she is now. My initial layout predicted about 20,000 words, and featured next to none of the intricate character relationships which now carry the narration (together with the occasional fetish overload, that is). Had I known what I was getting myself into, I would have probably opt out and done something else with my leisure time. Breeding ponies, for example. Continue reading

Sneak Peek: Skeleton Crew — Chapter Two

It is now a given that every story of mine comes by default in an extended version. So word count has of course exploded on me with the second chapter of Skeleton Crew. I see early next week as a realistic posting date. And to make the wait just a bit harder for everybody, here’s a little preview of what to expect:

Reuß would load upon him the sin of lie if he would claim that the woman’s attitude wasn’t intriguing him. He turned his face towards the bulkhead, but not without fetching the satchel that had been placed on her cape and clearly belonged to her. From behind the rustling of her shirt reached him. Continue reading

Review and Preview 2022/2023

It’s not looking good, guys, it does not look good…

As some of you might already have realised, the year is about to end, which calls for another highly informative review/preview routine. And especially with the output on my multi-part stories I am not happy:

  • Two new parts of Pony Boot Camp (gotta pump those numbers up!)
  • Zero new parts of Æquinoctium (I don’t even know what to say.)

The tragedy here lies within the fact that at least three more parts of PBC are drafted out, and that for many moons I am 1,600 words deep into Chapter IX of Æquinoctium. I can only point at time as the limiting factor. Continue reading


Greetings, everyone!

I am aware that the last story (or in this case, chapter) took its sweet time to find its way to the World Wide Web. Therefore I’m eager to re-establish a certain flow in my postings. I cannot promise to deliver a new story/part this month, but there is a so far 2,000 words strong one in the pipeline. I can already tell, though, that this is going to be another biggie; no way I am able to stay below 10,000 words. Perhaps I will postpone this longer narration in favour of a short story I just recently got inspired to.

Whatever it will be in the end: no worries!