A Change of Plans

In my Review and Preview 2023/2024 I got carried away to the following statement:

The third and final chapter of Skeleton Crew is currently in the making, and I have a short (and this time I do mean short) ponygirl story up my sleeve to bridge the gap. After that I will concentrate on Ponygirl Vet.

Good plan. Doesn’t work, though. Given not only the overall length of the final chapter of Skeleton Crew, but also its complexity in terms of tone, atmosphere and technical details, I have to switch it with at least one part of Ponygirl Vet to free up some time.

“But Venom, you beacon of digital enlightenment,” you might ask, “doesn’t continuing on Ponygirl Vet take up the very time you seek to invest into that vanity Steampunk project of yours?”

Not necessarily. The back and forth between the two time levels in PV allows for an episodic approach, and each of such a submission clears the rest of the respective month for working on SC. I will not go down that rabbit hole of splitting the latter into sub-chapters, though.

The take-away is that both narrations are alive and well – and that none of them will be finished any time soon.

About Venom

Bloke from Central Europe; Petrol Head; Observer of Human Depravity View all posts by Venom

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